Trueperella pyogenes – new name of an earlier described bacterium


Gram staining of Trueperella pyogenes (Arcanobacterium pyogenes).

A new name has again been proposed  for the bacterium known as Arcanobacterium pyogenes. This bacterium has also been referred to as Corynebacterium pyogenes and Actinomyces pyogenes. The proposed new name is Trueperella pyogenes and the reason for introducing this new genus is that genus Arcanobacterium is not monophyletic. It consists of two distinct lines of descent which don’t share a common ancestor.

The genus name Trueperella has been proposed in honor of the German microbiologist Hans Georg Trüper.

Trueperella pyogenes may cause abscesses, mastitis, pneumonia etc. in ruminants and in pigs and is of great importance in veterinary medicine.

Reference: Yassin AF, Hupfer H, Siering C & Schumann P. 2011. Comparative chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic studies on the genus Arcanobacterium Collins et al. 1982 emend. Lehnen et al. 2006: proposal for Trueperella gen. nov. and emended description of the genus Arcanobacterium. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 61:1265-1274.

Thank you Frida (KV, VH-fak., SLU), you made us aware of the name change.

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10 Responses to Trueperella pyogenes – new name of an earlier described bacterium

  1. Dra Maria Eugenia Peral Rodriguez says:

    The original comment was written in Spanish (see below), but I have tried to translate it to English. If anyone knows anything about Trueperella pyogenes (= Corynebacterium pyogenes = Actinomyces pyogenes = Arcanobacterium pyogenes) in dogs (particularly the French poodle), please write a comment.

    Very interesting this new publication.
    I am a dermatologist in the city of Puebla, Mexico. and have isolated the bacteria in pustular lesions and abscess in infectious skin diseases. Changing the name of this bacterium to help me such that doctors do not confuse with Corynebacterium pyogenes Corynebacterium acnes (now called Propionibacterium acnes).
    I would ask if you have any knowledge of this bacterium in dogs, mainly french poodle breed. Thank you very much.

    Muy interesante esta nueva publicacion.
    Soy dermatologa en la ciudad de Puebla, Mexico. y hemos aislado esta bacteria en lesiones pustulosas y absceso en enfermedades infecciosas de la piel. El cambiar el nombre de esta bacteria me ayudara por ejemplo a que los médicos no confundan a Corynebacterium pyogenes con Corynebacterium acnes (actualmente llamado (Propionibacterium acnes).
    quisiera preguntar si tienen algún conocimiento sobre esta bacteria en perros, principalmente los de la raza french poodle. Muchas gracias.

  2. Dr. R. K. Vaid says:

    We isolated this bacterium from abscess in a water buffalo, and it confused us because of its small sized colonies, low growth on SBA, requirement of carbon dioxide and poor response in Gram’s staining (it seemed Gram negative). Only after 16S rRNA sequencing we can confirm it as Trueperella pyogenes. The bacterium is important in abscess formation and mastitis. It is interesting to know about its role in dog infections. Seems to be, we are going to hear about it from zoonotic aspect in future.

  3. María Cattena says:

    En la cuenca de Salado en Argentina hemos aislado este agente etiológico en fallas reproductivas de bovinos en metritis, abortos, vesiculitis.

    In the Salado river basin, we have isolated this etiological agent in cattle with reproductive failure in cases of metritis, abortion and vesiculitis.

  4. Filip Boyen says:

    We isolate T. pyogenes mainly from cattle (ruminants more generally) and pigs. Disease can vary a lot, but pus is almost always involved. Growth after 24 hours is usually faint, sometimes hemolysis is more clear than colonies. After 48 hours, clear white, but small colonies with complete hemolysis can be seen on SBA. If present, usually in high numbers on plate.
    T. pyogenes has been described in the vaginal flora of dogs once and from a dog with cystitis, but we have never seen it clinically in dogs. It has been occasionally isolated from cats as well. Related genera/species have been described in dogs (for example Arcanobacterium canis, Arcanobacterium pluranimalium).

  5. Normally, I would have nothing to say about Taxonomy as my efforts to classify Genus (several decades ago): Lactobacillus using crude DNA:DNA hybridization made no real sense. Now that complete sequences are available, it may be easier. But microbial taxonomy, which is an essential study, is like trying to put square pegs into round holes. Bacteria evolve more rapidly and new organisms evolve by vertical as well as horizontal inheritance. I feel for the scientists in this difficult constantly changing field.
    But, I do have one request in naming this genus. As almost all Gram negative Genus ends with ella (except Escherichia, Proteus, Pseudomonas etc). It would be useful not to end the Gram positive Corynebacterium pyogens, Actinomyces pyogenes, Arcanobacterium pyogenes now : Trueperella pyogenes end with an “ella”

    thank you

  6. Helene Bondoc says:

    I have been tasked with attempting to treat a 6 year old Thoroughbred gelding with an chronic infection of trueperella pyogenes on two opposing distal limbs. The owner contacted me as a last effort before having the horse destroyed. I am attempting to clear the infection using a laser. I began working on the horse yesterday and am documenting the process with photographs and notes. I have programmed a custom setting with frequencies best suited to address bacteria. The owner advised me that the results of the biopsy indicated: Trueperella pyogenes staphylococcus penicillium. Nothing like a little pressure… Wish me luck with “Mozart”. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    • Karin Bergström says:

      I do not know anything about laser and treatment of bacterial infections. The information given of the case is very sparse. That a biopsy was taken indicate a deep infection, right? If that is the case the rather confusing answer “Trueperella pyogenes staphylococcus Penicillium” could mean botryomycosis. This is often caused by Staphylococcus. Penicillium might mean that the bacterium is susceptible to penicillin? T. pyogenes is often susceptible to penicillin. But this is pure guesses and speculations. Botryomycosis can sometimes be hard to cure with antimicrobial treatment and total surgical excision of the fibrotic, abscesslike tissue could then be the answer.

  7. Filip boyen says:

    Strange lab result indeed. Penicillium might also indicate that a Penicillium fungus is involved, although this is not common I guess? If this is the case, you should include antifungal treatment. Best to contact the lab or to take new samples and send it to (a better) lab

    • Valerio Veglio says:

      In English: Patient of 51 years suffering from spondylodiscitis D6-D7, biopsy in late July 2014, with a positive culture for Arcanobacterium pyogenes, treated for 3 months with amoxicillin and clarithromycin. Now in my observation for the first time yesterday (27/01/2015), perhaps again symptomatic. Resume the same therapy for longer times? Therapeutic alternatives?

      Original in Italian: Paziente di 51 anni affetto da spondilodiscite D6-D7, biopsiata a fine luglio 2014, con colturale positivo per Arcanobacterium pyogenes, trattato per 3 mesi con amoxicillina e claritromicina. Giunto alla mia osservazione per la prima volta ieri (27.01.2015), forse nuovamente sintomatico. Riprendere stessa terapia per tempi più lunghi? Alternative terapeutiche?

  8. Cristina Morán says:

    In the bacteriology laboratory division veterinary science from the University of Guadalajara we isolated A.pyogenes (T.pyogenes) of subcutaneous abscesses in dogs

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