All Time High on VetBact

Bacteriology course 2018

The Swedish veterinary students are using VetBact to compare their own results from analyses of spiked clinical samples with the information available on VetBact. Date: 2018-10-11.

In the first three quarters of 2018, we have had an average of about 2 100 visited pages per day on VetBact. Yesterday (11 Oct., 2018), the number of visited pagesĀ  reached the “all time high” value of 16 250 visited pages in one day. Most of the visitors (about 80%) were from Sweden and the majority of these are participants in the bacteriology course for veterinary students at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. This week, the students are identifying bacteria in spiked samples and VetBact is used a lot to compare data for identification of unknown bacteria in the spiked samples.

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One Response to All Time High on VetBact

  1. Staffan says:

    A few days later, on the 16th and 17th, there was another peak coinciding with the exam. The number of page loads was just shy of 12 000 on both days.

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