Different types of quizzes were added to VetBact during the last year. When the bacteriology course for veterinary students started this autumn, a new kind of quiz – the Image Quiz (IQuiz) – was released. In the IQuiz, you get a very brief description of a case and some images of the bacterium. From these data, it may be possible to identify the bacterium. If not, you can ask for more pictures and also hints.
You can find all quizzes under “Bacteriology Course 2011” on the start page of VetBact. Then, click on “Image quiz” to check this new type of quiz. Try also the “Disease quiz“, where you will get a continuous compilation of your results. Good Luck!
The other new module of VetBact – the VetBactLab – for experiments in silico, is under evaluation and has not yet been released without a password.